Getting the Most out of Grass at Turnout


Spring turnout…it’s a highlight in the calendar for most livestock farmers. After months of gruelling work keeping livestock housed throughout the winter, we look forward to fairer weather, more daylight hours, and seeing livestock enjoying some fresh spring grass.

It can be tempting at this stage to down tools and let nature work its magic. However, this can compromise both animal health and feed efficiency which are hugely critical factors in farm profitability. With careful planning and some little tweaks here and there, natures bounty, can be even more bountiful!

The 6F’s of field utilisation

Whether silaged or grazed, every productive field counts. The more we can make of homegrown forage, the less dependant we are on costly bought-in feeds throughout the year. 

According to AHDB, commercial grazing systems in the UK and Ireland should be targeting to utilise 10 tonnes of dry matter per hectare (4 per acre). However, utilisation of fields can vary by an astounding 50 – 80 percent, leaving huge scope to make more from existing resources.

Field utilisation depends on the following 6F’s, from early spring through to late autumn:  

  1. Fertilising – effectively counteracting any nutrient deficiencies in the soil. 
  2. Field management – effectively monitoring swards, maintaining fencing and waterpoints, and planning stocking.
  3. Faecal egg counts – effectively controlling any parasite burden with regular checking and treatment.
  4. Fermentation effectively cutting, processing and storing silages.
  5. Feeding – effectively predicting and supplementing against any nutritional imbalances/deficiencies. 
  6. Flystrike – effectively preventing flies from causing animals stress. 

Ahead of turnout and then on a regular basis, it’s worth challenging your previous/current management strategies to establish opportunities to increase utilisation. With that in mind, are you effectively supplementing your livestock this turnout?

The performance and fertility booster

Spring grass tends to have higher levels of sugar but lower dry matter than silaged grass. Fibre-digesting rumen microbes (bugs) require around three weeks to adjust to the lower levels of fibre. It’s important, therefore, to gradually transition AND balance grass to avoid acute or sub-clinical acidosis. As the grazing season progresses, sugar levels will tend to drop off, risking an energy gap. In either of these scenarios, it is important to balance grass to avoid loss of body condition, yield drops, and fertility challenges. 

Crystalyx Cattle Booster stimulates saliva production, feeds the rumen bugs, and maintains a stable rumen pH – all essential to forage digestion and dry matter intake.

Research at Kansas State University has confirmed that Crystalyx Cattle Booster increases forage intake by as much as 15% and digestion by a further 10%. In the vast majority of trials done, Crystalyx Cattle Booster has more than doubled the investment by extra growth performance. i.e. for every £1 spent on the product, at least a £2 return was gained.

Crystalyx Cattle Booster contains high levels of selenium and copper which have an important role in improving fertility of dairy cows and breeding bulls. Research in Germany studying replacement dairy heifers confirmed a 35% increase in DLWG and a 15% increase in pregnancy rates when Crystalyx Cattle Booster was mad available. Crystalyx Cattle Booster also has a direct impact on milk yield with research confirming up to 2 litres extra milk production per day.


The magnesium deficiency mitigator

Although the annual rate of hypomagnesaemia (staggers/tetany) in UK cows is less than 1 percent, it has a fatal impact on one third of affected animals. It can also impact lactating beef cows and sheep. Staggers occurs when animals are either not getting adequate magnesium in the diet, the magnesium has a low availability, or there is a presence of absorption antagonists such as potassium. Lactating livestock are particularly prone to grass staggers when turned out onto lush spring grass. There are no hormonal mechanisms in the body to allow animals to regulate their blood magnesium levels. Maintaining blood magnesium levels is therefore entirely dependent on short term (daily) absorption of magnesium from the diet.

Crystalyx Cattle High-Mag is an easy and effective means of mitigating the risk of grass staggers:

  • Contains 10.5% magnesium from a unique blend of 3 different magnesium sources.
  • Formulated with dehydrated molasses (35% sugar) making it highly palatable and attractive to lick, even on lush spring grass.
  • Contains a full range of essential trace elements and vitamins often lacking in grass.
  • Supported by independent research from the University of Glasgow School of Veterinary Medicine, confirming that the magnesium in Crystalyx Cattle High-Mag is the more available than any other pure calcined magnesite source evaluated.


The fly and insect deterrent

Flies can increase the prevalence of summer mastitis and/or cause livestock significant stress. Both of which can seriously impact on productivity. But by simply putting out some blocks/buckets of Crystalyx Garlyx or Crystalyx Organyx Garlic at a rate of just 150-250g per cow/day or 40-60g per ewe/day, their skin becomes less attractive and they are less likely to be bothered by the flies/insects.
  • Contains a concentrated source of garlic, the natural high-sulphur compound in garlic act as an insect repellent when secreted out from the pours in the skin.
  • Supplies high levels of zinc to maintain skin integrity and strength to further guard against biting insects.
  • Contains a full complement of vitamins, minerals and trace elements to balance any deficiencies in summer grass.
  • Crystalyx Organyx Garlic is suitable for feeding in organic systems and classed by the Soil Association as an ‘approved livestock feed’.



Why chose Crystalyx this turnout?


Crystalyx is designed to last longer than many other feed blocks, containing only 2-3% moisture (traditional blocks contain as much as 20%)


Crystalyx contains high levels of sugar, supporting energy needs and digestive efficiency through feeding the rumen bugs.


All Crystalyx feed licks are fully weatherproof which ensures the product does not degrade or break up in bad weather.


Crystalyx boasts over 25 years of extensive independent research from around the world.