An Accidental Sheep Feed Lick Delivery Works Wonders

While some sheep feed lick brands on the market are cheaper to buy, they may actually cost more if they are overeaten. This is something that Duncan Hawley discovered after taking delivery of Crystalyx by accident…

Duncan Hawley, who farms in Warwickshire in partnership with his parents and wife, currently lambs 400 Suffolk-cross and mule ewes, and rears 200 ewe lambs each year. The farm sells all lambs as fat to the local abattoir and sells ewe lambs in the summer sales.

The family farm once focused on cattle but had to stop due to bovine tuberculosis. To adapt, they increased sheep numbers, and Duncan aims to steadily expand the flock while maintaining cost-effective production at the core of his approach.

 A More Cost-Effective Sheep Feed Lick

Duncan has a comprehensive approach to ewe management, combining mineral drenching with feed buckets from pre-tupping all the way through lambing. His ‘belt-and-braces’ strategy ensures his flock receives balanced nutrition at every stage.

Duncan’s journey to using Crystalyx feed blocks began by chance, thanks to an unexpected delivery mix-up. “It’s quite a funny story, really,” he explains. “I hadn’t planned on switching, but I needed to put some feed buckets out, so I decided to give Crystalyx a try.”

Having previously used other feed licks, Duncan quickly noticed a significant difference with Crystalyx.

“What stands out is the longevity. Ewes don’t consume the Crystalyx sheep feed lick at the same rapid rate. They last much longer, and we’re really impressed so far.”

Reflecting on his earlier experiences, Duncan adds, “The ewes used to go through other feed licks like smarties – they were hammering them, and I could feel the impact on my wallet! I could even press my thumb into those blocks. With Crystalyx, the composition is much more solid, and the ewes have to work at them. They can’t just bite into them. So far, the results speak for themselves – our ewes are in excellent condition.”

Since then, Duncan has continued to purchase his sheep feed lick from his local supplier – StowAg.

Crystalyx Extra High Energy

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