When grass is plentiful, the feeding of extra energy as concentrates to late lactation cows may be uneconomic – especially with prices the way they are right now. Grass dry matter intakes can be depressed and replaced with the concentrates such that any increase in total energy intake will be relatively small. What is needed […]
Category Archives: Farming Interest
Will, Stephen and Alan Vose farm with their father Bill at Blundell House Farm near Ormskirk where the main enterprises are arable crops including maincrop potatoes and a 1000 ewe flock, split into January and March lambing groups. The Suffolk x Mule ewes are put to Hampshire tups and average 1.65 lambs sold per ewe […]
A developing ovine foetus does nearly 70% of its growth in the final 6 weeks of gestation. As the unborn lamb grows, so does the energy demand placed on the heavily pregnant ewe. The more lambs she carries, the greater her daily energy requirement. Twin lamb disease (pregnancy toxaemia) results from an inadequate dietary energy […]
FLUSHING & TUPPING WITH CRYSTALYX EXTRA HIGH ENERGY Nutrition during the weeks before mating should ensure all ewes are in the correct body condition score by the time they join the ram. Why bother? Because over fat or thin ewes never perform well: They take longer to come on heat when rams are turned in […]
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