As ewes near lambing, glucose demands increase. At the same time, however, appetite decreases. This is a perfect storm for the dreaded twin lamb disease. This is one of the most compelling times of the year to supplement with a mineral lick for sheep. Twin lamb disease not only impacts on ewe health, but also lamb survival rates and productivity. The good news is that twin lamb disease is preventable with careful management.
Twin Lamb Disease Causes
The ultimate cause of twin lamb disease is an energy deficiency, often created in later pregnancy.
70 percent of foetal growth occurs in the final trimester; increasing energy demands but also reducing abdominal space (for feed). This can cause an energy deficiency, and the liver will respond by increasing glucose production. However, this is preferentially directed to support the growing lamb, leaving the mothering ewe still deficient. The ewe will then mobilise her fat stores to negate the negative energy balance. However, the greater mobilisation of fats may overwhelm the liver’s capacity, resulting in a fatty liver and twin lamb disease.
Ewes most at risk of twin lamb disease are:
- Scanned with multiples
- Over-conditioned (BCS >4)
- Under-conditioned (BCS <2)
- Stressed from adverse weather, transport or handling
- Suffering from concomitant diseases
Twin Lamb Disease Symptoms
Most cases develop in the three weeks before lambing. That said, it can occur as early as six weeks. The symptoms typically include:
- Separation from the flock
- Loss of appetite
- More time lying down
- Not retreating when approached
- Foamy mouth and nostrils
- Teeth grinding
- Facial or body twitching
- ‘Pear drop’ breath
Without intervention, twin lamb disease can progress over the course of two to four days to blindness, coma, and death.
Twin Lamb Disease Prevention
Responses to twin lamb disease treatment is typically poor, and so taking cost-effective preventative steps is even more imperative.
- First things first, feed an energy-dense diet, on a scaling little and often basis.
- Take a targeted nutrition approach, focusing on ewes at a greater risk.
- Regularly Body Condition Score (BCS), adjusting energy levels quickly.
- Plan to prioritise high quality grazing and forage for late pregnancy.
- Prevent ewe stress through minimal handling and providing shelter where possible.
- Intervene early, providing a quiet and warm space with fresh water and extra high energy nutrition.
- Identify and manage high risk ewes (carrying twins/triplets) early.
Late Pregnancy Nutrition
Some of the most common nutrition mistakes that can lead to an increased risk of twin lamb disease include:
- Bulky feeds that take up room in the rumen without offering sufficient energy
- Starchy feeds that reduce rumen pH, digestion and feed throughput
- Silage with the energy value unknown on poor
- Restricted feed trough space (minimum 45 cm per ewe)
- Feeding too infrequently (i.e. less than twice a day minimum)
- Omitting the inclusion of Rumen-Degradable Protein to support digestion
- Supplementing with insufficient levels of minerals and trace elements
Instead, supplement ewes with a high energy and low starch feed on a scaling little and often basis.
This is where Crystalyx low moisture feed blocks really come into their own; there is no other solution that can tick all the boxes. Crystalyx Extra High Energy is specifically formulated to meet the energy requirements of the late pregnancy ewe, significantly reducing the risk of twin lamb disease.
Why Choose Crystalyx Extra High Energy?
Dense in energy | Meets energy needs 24-7 with intakes of just 40-60g per ewe per day. |
High in sugar | 38% sugar to support digestion and grass/forage throughput/utilisation. |
Low in moisture | Reduces the risk of gorging or breaking up in poor weather. |
Highly palatable | Attracts ewe visits, even when appetite is suppressed. |
Cost effective | Lasting up to 3X longer than other feed licks. |
Consistently quality | Manufactured using a unique cooking process to ensure consistency. |
Research-proven |
Newcastle University found that ewes with access to Crystalyx Extra High Energy maintained better condition than ewes on grass alone, and their lambs subsequently had a 5% higher growth rate. |
Ready to take on twin lamb disease?
Get in touch with your local Crystalyx specialist
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