As ewes near lambing, glucose demands increase. At the same time, however, appetite decreases. This is a perfect storm for the dreaded twin lamb disease. This is one of the most compelling times of the year to supplement with a mineral lick for sheep. Twin lamb disease not only impacts on ewe health, but also […]
Before Simone Dawson perfected her pre calver management strategy, she was on the verge of significantly cutting down cow numbers to a more manageable level. However, her calving issues swiftly resolved after she introduced a simple yet effective tool: a humble yellow feed bucket. With almost half a million followers on TikTok alone, you might […]
According to AHDB, every case of pneumonia is estimated to cost farmers in the region of £30 to £80. A startling figure that rises to £500 in fatal cases. In total, pneumonia in calves costs the UK cattle industry more than 50 million pounds every year. And the warmer and wet winters we’re now experiencing […]
With forage reported to be (variably) reduced in quality and quantity this winter feeding season, neither grass or silage can be relied on. This makes feeding pre calver minerals to bolster nutrition even more critical, especially in the calving transition. Fully meeting the nutritional needs of pre-calving suckler and dairy cows in the six weeks […]
The average livestock grazing system targeted to produce and consume as much as 10 tonnes of dry matter per hectare (4 tonnes per acre). However, 50 – 80% of forage-producing fields are currently underutilised. The right livestock mineral block can make all the difference. Whether grazed all-year-round or housed in the winter, ruminant animals hold […]
Regular weather changes have led to severe respiratory challenges for young dairy calves throughout the autumn of 2024. According to David Morgan, this emphasises the necessity of a draught-free environment and dry and comfortable bedding at all times. He added: “These young animals need access to highly digestible feed sources. It’s also a reality that […]
Damian Barson of Tessleymoor Farm has been spinning many plates the last three years in a bid to get himself established in the tricky world of farming. One thing that’s remained consistent from day one, is the use of Crystalyx Extra High Energy feed licks. Damian started farming at the age of 50. But before […]
Nutrition mid-pregnancy should not be overlooked It is important to maintain body condition in this key period as it pays dividends in terms of scanning rate and subsequent lamb performance. Lakeside Lleyn’s have achieved a 204% scanning rate thanks to Crystalyx Extra High Energy Mid-pregnancy (months two and three) is when the embryo is implanted […]
As the autumn progresses and the nutritional quality of autumn grass regresses in tandem, it is vital that producers keep the diet in balance with the aid of supplements. The three major questions to be asking when autumn grazing are: Will productive cattle have sufficient sugar for the rumen to digest autumn grass effectively? Will […]
Having ewes and tups in optimal condition for tupping forms the basis of profitability for both lowland and hill sheep farmers. A fact that has only been exacerbated by record lamb prices and projected higher costs to rear replacements this year. Ewe efficiency is directly linked to profitability and can be impacted by the following […]