Overcome the damaging impacts of higher rainfall on micronutrients

Extreme rainfall is steadily on the rise and is impacting on the availability of micronutrients to grazing animals.

The Met Office has reported via the UK Climate report that the UK has become nine percent wetter over the last few decades. EPA Climate Ireland have also reported a seven percent increase in rainfall in the thirty year period 1991-2020, compared to the previous.

For farming producers, aside from the infuriating impact on accessing fields for grazing and grassland management, increased rainfall will critically increase the prevalence of nutrient leaching from the soil.

Perhaps less obvious – but equally important – is the impact on the availability of micronutrients (mineral and trace elements) to grazing animals. Any deficiencies can impair digestion, immunity, reproduction, growth and development.

‘Soil splash’ occurs when grazing animals literally splash grass with soil. When rainfall and soil splash is high, soil ingestion can increase significantly. While soil-splashed grass can increase intakes of minerals and trace elements from the soil, it can also increase the intake of ‘antagonists’. For example, if animals are ingesting molybdenum, iron, and/or sulphur from the soil and/or plant, then any ingested copper will become more ‘bound up’ and unavailable for absorption within the animal.

Here’s some things you can do to combat the effects of rainfall on micronutrients

  • Manage paddocks to prevent poaching
  • Introduce manure (rich in trace elements) back into the soil
  • Incorporate clovers and certain broad-leaved plants and heathers
  • Focus on feed efficiency to maximise utilisation of forage consumed
  • Get soil pH right but take care not to over-lime
  • Regularly test grazing paddocks for nutrient status
  • Supplement when there is a risk of deficiency

Effective supplementation can be defined as overcoming any deficiencies in every animal without an oversupply. When choosing between blocks, boluses, bagged minerals and blends, it is important to consider a number of critical factors.

Factors to consider when choosing your mode of supplementation

  • Nutrient composition
  • Risk of undersupply or oversupply
  • Typical length of supply
  • Price point per animal per day
  • Availability of research and data
  • Practical suitability by system type

Why Crystalyx is the feed block of choice

Crystalyx feed blocks are designed to effectively and conveniently supplement grass and forage-based diets with sufficient energy, protein, trace elements, minerals, and vitamins to meet their productive needs. Here are 5 reasons why Crystalyx is the feed block of choice on a large number of UK and Irish farms.

1. Low required intakes, Crystalyx lasts longer

A unique manufacturing process drives moisture out of Crystalyx, which produces a highly concentrated feed block. Crystalyx blocks contain only 2-3% moisture whereas some other blocks can contain as much as 20%. Research at Newcastle University confirms that Crystalyx products offer exceptional animal performance with intakes of between 40-60g ewe/day, ensuring that Crystalyx products last up to three times longer than some other blocks.

2. Little and often

Whilst highly palatable, the hard consistency means that livestock cannot gorge themselves. Instead, animals can ‘self-medicate’ for 24 hours a day, little and often. This constant supply promotes saliva flow and keeps the rumen bugs stimulated allowing animals to utilise grass and forage more efficiently.

3. Improves forage intake and conversion efficiency

Crystalyx products contain as much as 43% sugar, which helps to increase the speed and rate of rumen fermentation. Most bucket supplements contain around 18% sugar, which is similar to good quality grass and therefore does not improve the fermentation rate. This provides for an increase in dry matter intake by up to 15% and enhances feed conversion by as much as 10%.

4. Hardy to adverse weather

Crystalyx products don’t break up in wet weather. The design of the product means that water can not penetrate the surface (as is the case with chemical blocks), only the top few millimeters of Crystalyx blocks soften as moisture ingresses from the atmosphere, allowing livestock to only lick the product as opposed to chewing or biting it.

5. Extensively researched

Over 25 years of extensive independent research and trials from across the globe has validated Crystalyx supplementation solutions for their quality and positive impact on animal health and performance. Research partners include Newcastle University, Aberystwyth University, SRUC, AgResearch, University of Parma, Kansas State University, University of Hanover etc.

Which feed block is for you?

  • FOR SHEEP: Crystalyx Extra High Energy can be offered to ewes, rams and lambs all-year-round. Great for flushing at tupping, during pregnancy and lambing, and then weaning and finishing.
  • FOR CATTLE: Crystalyx Cattle Booster is ideal for any dairy and beef farming systems looking to increase forage intake and digestibility.
  • FOR SHEEP & CATTLE: Crystalyx Standard is a great option for mixed livestock grazing on poor or variable grass, especially when magnesium update in grass is depressed, to lower the risk of grass staggers.

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