Crystalyx Transition 100 is a high energy feed lick, designed specifically to provide selected key nutrients to help stimulate appetite and dry feed intakes in freshly calved cows during the first 100 days of lactation.
Maximising appetite and dry matter intake in early lactation is the key to healthy and highly productive cows. A period of negative energy balance can occur in early lactation when a cow’s appetite lags behind the increased energy and nutrient demand required for milk production. This results in the cow “milking off her back” and losing body condition. Excess mobilisation of body fat can result in ketosis and fatty liver and can lead to other severe metabolic issues in early lactation, which can compromise her health, fertility and lactation performance.
Crystalyx Transition 100 contains a source of rumen by-pass energy for the cow, together with a live yeast, which helps prevent the build up of lactic acid and optimises appetite and dry feed intakes as she transitions and settles into lactation.
Research has clearly shown that feeding Crystalyx Transition 100 in early lactation stimulates the return to oestrus and significantly reduces the calving to conception interval.
● To be fed for the first 100 days of lactation
● Optimises performance by stimulating forage intakes and digestibility in early lactation
● Reduces the risk of ketosis and acidosis due to improved energy intakes
● Helps optimise fertility and reduces the calving to conception interval by improving nutrient balance and intake
● Helps maintain better body condition in early lactation
● Reducing calving to conception interval by 21 days @ £4.09/day is worth over £85/cow (Kingshay Dairy Costings Annual Report 2020)