Tag Archives: dairy

Act Now to Prevent Summer Mastitis

Summer mastitis predominantly occurs during the warm summer months with cattle out at pasture. The disease changes little over the years, affecting the same farms year after year and often just certain fields on those farms. The disease affects non-lactating cows, but can also affect replacement heifers, leading to devastating consequences. Very few affected quarters […]

Feeding Calves: Promoting Intakes and Immunity

calf feeding

Feeding calves – whether beef calves or replacement dairy heifers – is complex and costly. No matter how fine-tuned the system, there’s always opportunity to optimise… Nutrition and housing are the two major impactors on calf performance. Calves need a clean and comfortable environment as well as a consistent and correct nutritional programme to grow […]

Reduce The Risk Of Milk Fever At Grass

Many cases of milk fever can be prevented, by ensuring normal blood magnesium levels are maintained in the dry period. This is particularly true of summer and autumn calving cows which spend their entire dry period at grass, often eating forages with a low available magnesium content. Milk fever (parturient hypocalcaemia) means a lowering of […]